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SMEs in the Biotechnology Sector

The Challenge

Develop the world's first vaccine against Bovine Venereal Trichonosis (BBT) in females.

Project dates: 1999

Role of CarpoACE

Technical assistance in the design, development and management of the innovation project to apply for funding from the grant application authorities. Additionally, the client was assisted in the development and presentation of technical and economic reports for the recovery of approved funds.

Financial support

Grant for SMEs PMT-PIT2 FONTAR. Operator: National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (ANPCyT). Funds: 50% National Treasury and 50% Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).


Laboratorio Biológico de Tandil has successfully achieved after four years of R+D and the financial support of the BID and ANPCyT, the development of the first global vaccine against TVB, having been approved in 2004 by the Directorate of Animal Laboratory, belonging to the General Directorate of Laboratories and Technical Control of SENASA (National Service of Health and Agrifood Quality). This vaccine is marketed in the domestic market of Argentina and in some neighboring countries under the trade name of Tricovac©

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