About Us
We are a consulting firm with more than 25 years of experience in:
management and financing of
of R+D+i and social impact projects
Implementation of systems
management certifiable by
ISO standards
Development of programs
training aimed at
entrepreneurs, SMEs and NGOs
Our Mission
Promote the sustainable development of organizations, assisting
them in its continuous improvement and in the creation and execution
of innovation projects with high social impact.

Our Vision
We strive to be a reference consulting firm in Andalusia, in the development, management and financing of R+D+i projects and high social impact, as well as in assisting organizations in the continuous improvement of their processes. Our objective is to become facilitators of cooperation between organizations in the European Union and Latin America.
Our Values
- We are committed to our customers.
- We have a strong project orientation.
- We preferentially use agile methodologies.
- We collaborate with other professionals and organizations.
- We always seek positive socio-environmental impact.

Our History
Our origin is in the Argentinian consulting firm CarpoACE, which Eladio Carpintero founded more than 25 years ago. In 2018, Eladio decided to partner with Gabriel Pieroni, who had been collaborating freelance on certain projects, to expand consulting activities in Spain, where Gabriel has lived since 2001.
Initially, they focused on 2 of the consultancy's specialties, which are publicly funded projects and assistance in ISO standards certification. Contacts were generated in Spain and Argentina, with a view to facilitating the development of international cooperation projects between both countries.
After the covid-19 pandemic, and with the arrival of the Next Generation EU funds in Spain, finally in 2022 Eladio and Gabriel associated and found CarpoACE Europe, S.L. in the city of Malaga. They chose this city due to the proximity of Gabriel's residence, as well as the development that Malaga had been undergoing in the field of technology companies and the Spanish and European innovation ecosystem. Its office is established in Málaga TechPark (Technological Park of Andalusia), which houses more than 600 companies with a turnover of 2,400 million euros and employs more than 22,000 workers.

Eladio Carpintero
Founder & CEO
In 1998 he founded the consulting firm CarpoACE in Argentina, with the aim of providing consulting on learning programs and processes of change and innovation for SMEs. As CEO of CarpoACE, he has been accompanying clients to achieve their goals successfully for +25 years. He obtained a degree in Physical Sciences from the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Prov. Buenos Aires (UNICEN), and has a Master's Degree in Business Innovation Management from the Universitat de Barcelona, and a Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from OBS Business School.
He has served in Argentina as Executive Director in consulting studies, Provincial Director of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Province of Bs.As, Executive Director of the Business Restructuring Program of the Secretariat of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Presidency of the Nation, and Project and Financing Manager of the Textile Chamber of Mar del Plata.
At the university, he was Executive Director of the Council of Science and Technology of UNICEN, Undersecretary of Science and Technology of UNICEN, Secretary of Research and Postgraduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of UNICEN; President of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences Foundation of UNICEN and visiting professor at the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE). He is currently a professor of the seminar on innovation of processes, products and services in the MBA of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of UNICEN. Eladio is an Argentine and Spanish citizen.

Gabriel Pieroni Almaraz
Co-Founder CarpoACE Europe
Contador Público Nacional por la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina), título homologado en España como Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Maestría en Comercialización por la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Prov. de Buenos Aires (Arg.) y la Universidad de Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), y una Maestría en Project Management por Universitat de Barcelona y OBS Business School. Project Management Professional (PMP®), certificado por el PMI (Project Management Institute). Actualmente, en el Capítulo de Andalucía del PMI, forma parte del Comité de Dirección y desarrolla actividades de voluntariado.
En Argentina, se ha desempeñado como Consultor Asociado en Market Bureau (marketing para pymes), y como Asesor y Director de Proyectos en la Cámara Textil de Mar del Plata, y como coordinador de misiones comerciales. En España, donde reside desde 2001, ha continuado ejerciendo de forma freelance como consultor para pymes, participando en distintos proyectos. También se ha desarrollado como asesor comercial en el sector de los seguros y de la industria textil. Ha actuado como facilitador de proyectos de inversión, y asistido en desarrollo de planes de negocio y análisis de rentabilidad. Ha sido formador en management y coaching, así como coordinador y mentor en Proyectos de Impacto Social. Gabriel es ciudadano Argentino y Español.