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SME in the Biotechnology Sector

The Challenge

Generate transgenesis directed by the CRISPR/Cas9 system for the construction of a biotechnological platform for the expression of the polysaccharide O of Brusella abortus in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Project dates: 2016

Role of CarpoACE

Technical assistance in the design, development and management of the innovation project to apply for funding from the grant application authorities.

Financial support

Technical assistance in the design, development and management of the innovation project to apply for funding from the grant application authorities.


Biotandil has obtained funding as a non reimbursable contribution of 37% of the total cost of the project. As a result of the execution of the project, the company expects to produce polysaccharide O without the need to work with level 3 of biosecurity, facilitating the protection of the environment and the occupational health and safety of personnel; and incorporate the CRISPR/Cas9 platform into the work routine, which will generate new and modern developments for animal health either for the diagnosis, prevention and / or treatment of diseases.

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